Sunday, November 14, 2010

Disc Golf in the Fall

I am a sore loser. I do not like to lose, especially when it's to my boyfriend and his brother (my best friend). That being said, even when I'm cussing in the woods, stewing over my inability to throw a plastic disc into a metal basket, I'm glad that I'm out and active.

Today, we went out into an absolutely perfect autumn day in Durham, North Carolina, to play a round of disc golf. I consider this a "rest day" - tonight I will be up on my feet for a 6 and 1/2 hour shift at my coffee shop job, so walking out in the woods and tossing a disc is just about enough exercise for me today. No running, no hot yoga - just a long stroll with good people.

(And cursing like a sailor...)

The point is to be out there and active! Believe me, I sit in front of a screen quite a bit, too. I love television and movies and computer games and facebook and email...and blogging. But I love the fact that I can put them aside to get healthy more. Even on days when I'm not "working out" - that is, huffing and puffing and straining - it makes me glad to be off my butt, doing something that gets my heart pumping just slightly more than being sedentary. Baby steps are still steps in the right direction.

Besides, I'll be back in the bikram yoga studio tomorrow. :)

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