Friday, June 24, 2011

Running of the Bulls 8K (Durham, NC) and Graduation from NPTI

While it's not quite as exciting as the actual "running of the bulls" in Spain, Durham's own Running of the Bulls 8K race was pretty rocking. And I am privileged to say that I got the chance to run in that race. Here's the proof:

That's me, huffing and puffing my way to the finish line, still with a smile on my face. (Or perhaps I was smiling because I was seconds away from being done? :) )

I've written about racing before (see a post from December of last year on the Blue Talon Bistro Turkey Trot). I still believe that everyone who runs should race. The camaraderie, the challenge, the chance to run a new route safely...what's not to love?

That being said, don't be married to the idea of getting the "perfect" time. I, myself, am a pretty pokey runner. I plod along, knowing full well that I will not place near the top of the pack. This year, I ended up pretty much in the middle of my age group in terms of time, and I'm happy with that. Heck, do I want to run faster? Always. Patience, persistence, and putting one foot in front of the other will all get me to my goals, but I need to put in the effort.

Speaking of putting in the effort - I graduated from the National Personal Training Institute today! Yippee! Six months of learning, practicing, writing fitness programs, and exercising like a fiend have led to where I am today - a confident, joyful, eager personal trainer. Now all I need is a job.....

Stay with me on the journey, my little chickadees! Keep putting one foot in front of the other!

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