Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal Training School, continued

It's been awhile since my last post, hasn't it? A quick recap:

1) I've been in a vocational program called the National Personal Training Institute since January of this year. I'm loving it, learning tons, and getting stronger each and every day. I hope to be a "Professional Fitness Junkie" in the coming months.

2) I have another race coming up! It will be my second year participating in the Running of the Bulls 8K in Durham, NC. I have about a month left to train, so I have some miles to log. Of course, I will post results and pictures here as soon as they're available.

3) I hope to be updating this blog more often in the coming weeks, especially since it's now a class assignment! (*wink, wink* Hi, classmates/Alan!) Topics that I hope to post more about: women's lifting (especially the dreaded fear of hypertrophy), the importance of functional training, nutrition myths and facts, creating a balanced fitness program with limited time, and much, much more.

More to come, always! Glad to be back on the blog!

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