Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Plodding Along

Today, I got back to running after taking about a week off. I've been admittedly a little slack in the exercise department lately. Can you blame me? Like most every other red-blooded American, this holiday season has me a little lazier, a little slower, and a little more forgiving of myself when I don't exercise. Don't get me wrong - two days ago I was back in the bikram studio, sweating like a champ. And today, I ran my "long" route (perhaps a quarter-mile longer than my "short" route), and felt pretty good while doing it. But I started off at a nice, slow pace, and stayed pretty slow for the entirety of the run.

I'm even giving myself permission to cut this blog entry a little short...because it's not about doing everything superbly, all the time. It's about continuing on, not stopping. It's about plodding along, carving out time to stay engaged.

So I ran today. Not quickly, not pushing myself too hard - but I ran. Over 3 miles. Hooray! :)

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