This week was my first week at the National Personal Training Institute. NPTI is a six-month program involving both in-class and hands-on training for the future personal trainer. Topics covered include: fitness assessments, nutrition, program development, business development, anatomy and physiology, etc. Four days a week for the next six months, I'll be in a class with fellow fitness junkies, learning and sweating side by side.
Lemme tell you: I AM FREAKING SORE. My body is not yet used to using these muscles. I am hobbling around the house like a 98-year-old granny. I am having a hard time lifting my arms over my head to reach the high things in cabinets.
BTW, lifting my arms over my head would involve shoulder abduction in the frontal plane of motion along the anterior-posterior axis of rotation. See? I'm learning things.
My agonizing screaming muscles aside, I am loving this class so far. The instructor, Alan Wiest, is informative, passionate about what he's teaching, and generally concerned with how we progress as students and trainers. Three days in, and I already feel that I've learned a lot of valuable information. I'm on pins and needles in anticipation of what I'll learn in the next six months!
What I learn in class, I'll pass along here. Yay!